Saturday, May 28, 2005

the latest's been busy here. interns are here and are having a fun time. they spent yesterday learning the "camp dance"..very proud of them! We are in the middle of KECY Training Weekend where are the nationals who will be doing KECY this summer learn about the themes, topic, and plans for the summer. it's cool to have so many people here and we are all hopeful this weekend will get everyone excited about KECY and ready to work hard here in these last few weeks. the weather has been phenomenal and i am so thankful for warmer temperatures.

having fun, working hard and thankful that i get to live this life!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Life is crazy!!! Arrived in Zilina Monday to meet out super cool interns. they will be with us all summer helping with camp and camp promotion. we have 5 interns in Presov and also my new roommate Lee Ann!!!! great group of new friends and i am so excited to hang out with them and work our butts off. loving life...tired as anything...happy as a clam.

on my way to the grocery store...hope to post pictures soon.

cool thing for the day...God totally laid Ephesians 4 on a few of us in the last day. praying we can all let "no unwholesome talk" come out of us and that we will build each other up in encouraging ways. teams are powerful things and we all want to be God's best.

čau for now

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Can't take the RAIN!!! has been raining and overcast for many many days!!! I will definitely never move to Seattle if this is what the weather is really like there.

giving a talk tonight to the college youth group. little nervous since my "big boss" danny will be there. the talk is on "sheep and shepherds". the bible compares us to sheep, and God to a shepherd more than 50 times...think about it. Sheep are prone to wander, lost without a shepherd, totally vulnerable to attack when separated from the flock and the shepherds watchful eye. Shepherds know their sheep individually, care for them, lead them to what they need and search them out when one is lost. that is the really short version of my talk. hope it makes sense...

Presov Spring!

Originally uploaded by amylawlor.
Too bad this is a photo I found on the web and it's actually been raining here for DAYS!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Spring has sprung

I really love spring...and the unbelievable beauty of Presov in the Spring makes me feel like enduring the harsh winter was worth it. The city is covered in flowers, the trees are bright green, the sky is bright blue. People are out everywhere, all the outdoor pubs are popping up. It's a really beautiful time here!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

JV Conference

Remember a few posts ago when I said I was going to be better about updating more often...
Anyway I have actually been out of town and out of contact for about a week (hence the lack of postings). I spent the last week between Zilina and the Czech Republic. Always fun to be in Zilina and hang out with the Kompas Cafe crew there and I actually had a chance to attend a Sunday service at their new church. It was really neat and a huge encouragement to see a Living Relevant church in Slovakia. So much hope to see that here in Presov too.

Most of the week was spent at the JV Spring Conference in Czech Republic. there were about 165 of us who are serving in various parts of Eastern Europe. It was way cool to hear from others who are doing similar things and to hear of joys and struggles and just have some fun. Really enjoyed my time there and look forward to the next time we all get together!

This week I will spend a lot of time on language learning (hopefully) although I am sitting here wondering how it got to be so late in the day! My house needed some attention after my long absence, and the pile of dirty clothes was a little overwhleming too! Spent yesterday in the cafe working, and hanging out with students. They are all getting anxious for summer to begin and I am praying for many of the ones I have connected with to come to KECY Camp this summer.

We are kicking KECY preparations into high gear and we have a ton to do in a short amount of time. Camp Season is here!!! Our interns arrive in 3 weeks (whoa!) and I am looking forward to a really amazing season of planning and preparation.

that's the latest on me....I will be sending out my monthly update soon as well so be on the lookout for that too!