Friday, November 11, 2005

Come closer

Originally uploaded by amylawlor.
I was traveling this week and took this photo from the Charles Bridge in Prague. I thought it was beautiful and tragic all at the same time. So often I forget about this image. Forget the sacrifice, forget the blood shed and the reasons why, forget the necessity of it all, forget the intensity and power of the Cross of Christ. I pursue a life of "Christless leisure" which to be honest, is just easier sometimes.

I am hesitant to post one more entry about letting the busyness of life crowd out the truly important things. And embrassed to be in that place yet again. Embarassed to have to confess again that my prayers are shallow, my flesh weak, and my spirit drained. My mind has been set on wordly things, things that pass away as opposed to things that are eternal. And where my mind goes so goes my heart.

I want to draw closer to God, to His heart, to His Spirit, to His will. But I think first I have to draw close to the Cross. "He who knows me knows the Father"