Monday, April 17, 2006

the old man

remember a few posts ago when I told the story about the old guy in the center of town almost getting beat up by the teenagers? if not just back up a few posts and read it. well anyway i failed to mention/realize that he wasn't just sitting on the ground. he actually doesn't have legs. i think his legs stop right below the knee. also he is fairly well known in town. he is mentally unstable, he has no legs, he sometimes pushes himself around town on a homemade cart of sorts, and is old, he has no home.

why tell you this? well here is the i mentioned my friends Paige and Stani and I saw him the other day. he was on the verge of being beaten up by 2 able bodied teenagers. he was sitting outside alone in the cold shouting at nothing. a few days later Paige and I say him again. Pushing himself around the streets in his homemade "cart" and shouting at nothing. Then yesterday, Easter Sunday, Paige saw him again dragging himself around town on his stumps. There is a man, who "lives" in my neighborhood who has no legs, no money, no home, no one to care for him, no hope. And as we sat in our church service yesterday and then enjoyed a lovely meal together with friends this man probably sat on his stumps somewhere in town and shouted at nothing.

since it's been Easter week I have been thinking a lot about Jesus. and I know that there was something extremely attractive to him about unattractive people. I know the bible talks more about the poor, and widowed, and marginalized than about most stuff. I know a life following Christ is a life of love and a call to treat others and respond to others the way Jesus would (which a lot of times means getting crapped on and degraded by the world). and I wonder what would Jesus do about this man living in my neighborhood. I know that Jesus didn't respond to every need around him. The bible doesn't tell us "and Jesus opened a clinic and cured all the diseases. then he opened a bank and supplied free money for every poor person in the world. The End". in the last week I have spent countless hours sending emails, creating task lists, talking about future ministry plans, discussing the strategy purpose and meaning our church and it's leaders, had conversations about the fact that we seem to be missing the point on a lot of things, the best way to "do ministry", effective, relevant ministry, etc. AND A MAN WITH NO LEGS DRAGS HIMSELF AROUND MY NEIGHBORHOOD ON STUMPS

I am re-reading a book that i find more and more incredible every day. I think i will probably read this book constantly for the rest of my life because i find the truths in it so powerful and they point me back towards the true center. It's called The Signature of Jesus and it's by a guy named Brennan Manning. On every page I read something and think "oh, that's a good one...I am gonna post that on my blog" but i think I would write the whole book here and get sued for copyright infringement or something. anyway, as i think about this man I read this section...

"So central is Jesus' teaching on humble apprenticeshop and SERVING LOVE as the essesnce of disipleship, that
Christ makes himself recognizable only in our brothers and sisters: 'Whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers of mine, you did for me' (Matthew 25:40). In this context the words of Mother Teresa are impressive. At
the dedication of a hospice for the terminally ill in New York City, she said 'Each AIDS victim is Jesus in a
distressing disguise'" p. 96

Part of me is very afraid of this man. He's not mentally stable, and for the sake of safety I am probably not going to have him camp out on my couch. But if he is Jesus in a very distressing disguise...there has to be something reasonable I can do to serve him. I am thinking of what that means and how i can carry it out. In love. In faith. And in the knowlege that Jesus sees us all equally and his love for us has nothing to do with how well we clean up. It has everything to do with him.


Cyndee said...

Great thoughts, Amy! I just happened upon this blog... where are you at (I am sure it says somewhere, but I haven't read it all yet) I lived in Central America for 6 years working with the poor and one thing that rang clear in my mind, over and over, is that the Bible says the poor will always be with us. I think of "the poor" in more ways than one... we can be physically poor but we can also be spiritually poor and have much wealth...

I found myself struggling with how I would meet each person's need as I lived and worked among the physically poor. This brought me to think about why "the poor will always be with us". I came to the fact that the poor draw us closer to Jesus, because it is where he spent most of His time.

It hit me one day that I will never be able to meet everyone's need. But I honestly don't think that is the point. I believe that we become more like Jesus as we "be" who He has created us to be.

With the poor always with us, there is always need, and there is always a field for service and we need to serve to know Jesus... the servant of all.

Funny, I am back in the states now and I find the "spiritually poor" a much harder breed to serve. The physically poor can most often see a need for Jesus... the spiritually poor (who have everything they need) have a harder time with the need for Jesus.

I am learning to serve my own culture... which is much harder for me, I find...

Thanks for your thoughts! I have full confidence that God will show you how to love the man without legs.

Cyndee said...

Hi Amy. Thanks for your comment over at Creative Survival. I think we all need the encouragement to keep going and serving!! It's great to find your blog, it reminds me of when I was in Central America. I think I will link your blog to mine, just so I can check back to see how things are going!! God bless you and the work He has laid before you!!