Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Smells like Jesus

A million years ago when I was in college I took a Psych class called Sensation and Perception.  It was basically a course about the 5 senses.  We went into some deep detail about each of the senses and it amazed me how complex it all was, how little we actually understood them, and how important each of them is.  By the end of that class I was able to diagram the neural processes involved in all 5 senses. It was incredible.  I could map the intricate process of the visual system.  I could trace the sensory pathways that are involved when you are touched pysically.  It was so interesting and complicated and amazing to realize all the tiny things that happened to get an image from the television to the back of your eye to your brain. 

I say all that really for one reason.  The last sense we studied that semester was smell.  Mainly because it was the least complicated physically and neurologically.  But one thing we did learn is that although it's not a real complicated sense, it's the most powerfully tied to memory.  Our sense of smell connects to our brains and our memories so strongly, and so intensely.  Think about it for a second...ever walked through the mall and smelled the cologne/purfume of your 1st love?  Ever walked into the house and smelled your favorite meal long before you knew what was on the menu?  Ever been reduced to tears because you smelled something familar and the memories came flooding back to you?  Our sense of smell is POWERFUL.  A friend of mine here just got back from being in the states and is wearing a new purfume.  It happens to be the same purfume that one of my very best friends from home wears...I think of her every time I smell it.  Clean sheets, spring rain, Old Spice, whatever, spend a day sniffing stuff and see how strongly it connects to your memory.  

Now, that i have set the stage a bit, here is a verse that God brought to me this week.  I keep going back to it...chewing on it...and wishing I could imprint it on my brain.  

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the FRAGRANCE of the knowledge of him.  For we are to God the AROMA of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing"  2 Corinthians 2:14-15

Wow.  Through us the fragrance of knowing God is dispersed.  Another thing about scent is that a little goes a long way...a few molecules can really travel and be detected easily.  As believers when we walk through life people can smell the God stuff on us.  Maybe some of us have doused ourselves in it.  Maybe some of us haven't put any on in a while and the smell of the world is more prevalent.  But people should be able to smell it on us.  We are the aroma of Christ.  Incredible thought.  In my life I want to put on so much of Christ that when I am around people smell it on me.  That it fills up their nostrils.  That I am indistinguishable from the smell.  When people think of me they connect me with the aroma of Christ, the fragrance of the knowledge of God.  How incredible to know that through our lives and our hearts and our daily wanderings God spreads the aroma of himself out all over the earth.  So go ahead and hose yourself down with this "fragrance of life".  There is no such thing as too much of it!  


Anonymous said...

I experince God through you, Amy. Thank you. My senses of Christ and the Christ of my senses are BURNING right now. You are freakin' amazing at communicating His being. I LOVE YOU.

Cyndee said...

Nice to see you blogging again! Thanks for sharing your heart!! It smells good!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy,
That's cool man!
What is your email so I can email you? I forget it. We will be heading to England the end of June so I can't wait to see you soon. I just woke up from a nap and you were in it and we were going to try and go on a cruise together after you and Bekah finished making a sidewalk in Slovakia. Weird. Love you! Kate VY

Anonymous said...

Lawlor, I am continually refreshed by the way you think and the things you learn. Your ability to share them in writing is powerful and as you can see helps many other people, as much it helps you through the process.

As you're learning this about the Fragrance of Christ, I am wondering where you are being challenged to be Christ. What is your world looking like these days? How are things shaping up for the summer. I know that you are probably so busy, and somewhat overwhelmed, but holy cow i miss you!! Really! and I just want you to know there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you! Love you my friend! Bekah