Monday, September 04, 2006

weekend trip

I spent Friday and Saturday of this weekend in Presov Slovakia. This is the city I moved to when I moved over here a year and a half ago. I left there last December in kind of an abrupt way and haven't spent much time there since I left. I moved from there because I took a different job over here and needed to be where our main office was. There wasn't a whole lot of time between my determining I was moving and actually moving so it was a bit of a shock to some of my friends in Presov. I honetly don't know that I "left well". there were some people I needed to say goodbye to that I didn't but I really did think I would be back there more often.

Being back this weekend made me see how much I missed that city, and the students there and the work that i was doing before I took on a more "corporate" role. I got to spend some sweet time with college and high school girls who were a big part of my world and who I only rarely talk to anymore. It made me miss that element of my life...spending time, real time, with girls who are learning about who God is in their life. I miss knowing what is happening in their lives. I miss knowing about their stuggles and challenges and how God is growing them. Basically I miss my girls. I am so thankful I was able to see some of them (I even got to go to the wedding of one of them!) and I am thankful that I saw that as a real void in my life now. I am so thankful to realize that one of the reasons God has me here is to be a friend and fellow traveler with these girls. I didn't realize how much I missed that section of my life and it was nice to plug back into it even if it was just for a few hours.

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