Thursday, June 16, 2005

Remember Me?

Hello out's me, the girl who actually used to log on to this and write things to people who might be reading this. SInce i haven't posted in so long I have probably lost all of you who check in with the old blog but for the faithful out there I decided to check in...

So...what's new? Life has been crazy with camp planning, intern training, life stuff, and general summer craziness. My schedule is all off kilter and i haven't been able to have a language lesson in a while. Hopefully once our Slovak camp and our camp in Serbia are over my life will return to normal a bit. There is a link on my blog for the blog of 2 of the interns we have here for the summer (Josh and Ben) they are great about updating so you can get a good idea of our day to day there too!

still learning a lot and really heading into my first major homesickness place. I have been here 4 months now and as the "novelty" wears off there are some challenges. I still really love being here, and KNOW that I am where I am supposed to be, but there have been some tough days!

All is well...pray for camps if you have a moment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to hear from your blog. would rather it be your mouth a lot of times :), but this separation is MEANT TO BE for this season...that's been so evident and I hope you're renewed in that knowing today. hot as heck in atl. and missing you much!